Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Midnight News - Lisa Goldstein

It's an interesting concept that the author decided to give Helena, a nursing home resident who would normally have almost zero say in decision making, the power to save the world. Helena was "noticed" for the first time when given this power. She was no longer just another old, useless and bothersome lady. She was finally receiving attention, people were listening to her stories and the public was doting on her every wish.

I enjoyed the story. It made me think about all of the people that have come before me. Maybe we don't give them the time and the credit that they deserve.


Unknown said...

I don't think there's too much "maybe" about it; after years of volunteering at a nursing home as a teenager and now caring for an elderly person at home, I have seen it over and over. I don't know that it will ever change.

Anonymous said...

Holly, don't have your email so am leaving this message here: class is canceled today, Feb. 14. Check the course blog for details.

Anonymous said...

My mother and father both work at nursing homes. I think it's a little depressing, the fact that a lot of people just shove people into old care homes and forget about them. They still have a lot to teach us...