Thursday, February 7, 2008

His Vegetable Wife - Pat Murphy

While I really enjoyed the story, it was sad to read about this woman (Who is not actually even a woman) and the abuse that she endures from Fynn. For some reason, even though she is most definitely not human, I envisioned her as one. It seems to me that Fynn is the real alien or monster-like figure while the man-made wife encompasses much more human qualities. This seems very ironic to me!

I was glad that she killed him. Not that Im in favor of murder or anything, but hey - she got him back. And planted him - haha!!

Good story!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to this story, I'll never be able to eat broccoli again... and if I do, I'll feel pretty darn guilty about it.

Anonymous said...

I hated this story! It just seemed a brutal story of rape and abuse to me. I thought the only good part was when she killed him.

Jan Priddy, Oregon said...

It's an allegory concerning the way men view women as objects rather than people.