Friday, February 1, 2008

The Mountains of Sunset, The Mountains of Dawn - Vonda N. Mcintyre

Although parts of it were gross (ie. when it describes "the old one" ripping apart the animal and crunching its bones for marrow and brains), I feel like this is essentially a beautiful story. It deals with real-life concerns such as the transformation from child to adult, dealing with death, and how to or if we should pass on values and traditions to the younger generation before we die.
I think it is interesting that these aliens were depicted in such an un-human physical way but with distinctly human thoughts and ideas. When I think of these creatures, I think of a furry bat/human/bird. Almost like an extremely furry bat with a humanish face that has the flying capacity and wingspan of a bird.
The fact that the old one speaks in old English, saying things such as "Wouldst thou have me .." while the young one speaks as we would today reinforces the generational difference between the two aliens. The way in which the old one helps to turn the young one into a man is a little bit disturbing from a human point of view, but the fact is that these aliens are not human. Maybe sex to them is differernt than our sex and so it wouldn't be gross or disturbing at all. Just a thought ..
I picked out a lot of common human concerns, such as how to deal with the loss of a loved one. Just like the young one, we often don't know how we are going to go on without this person in our lives. I drew similarities between the old one and our elderly population today. Most of them, by the time they reach the end of their lives, are no longer interested in progressing further into this rapidly advancing world. They want to retreat back into their own versions of how the world used to be.
I really enjoyed the story. I think it's wel written and put in such a way that the ideas are really driven into us through the personalities of the characters. I think that there is a little bit of these aliens in all of us !


Anonymous said...

that crayon picture of a bat is no way near how the humanoid characters look like. She is slender, although old, she has the body of a little girl. She has black fur, but it is short and does not change the contour of her feminine shape. She is still attractive enough to court the younger male, so she possesses the appearance of an immortal. A more complete picture of how she might look like is in this link

click out these links to see the real female eldermate

or this one

or this

Don't insult Vonda McINtyre with your rash depictions of her characters (the really ugly drawing of the bat creature above). Maybe that's your imagination, or lack of thereof, but definitely not of other readers

Please take down that ridiculously insulting ugly picture, and replace it with the suggestions that Vonda McIntyre gave you.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that any rendition of the characters is up to the person who is reading it. I too have created my own drawings in the depiction of what I believe these alien life forms to look like. The drawing is good, I do believe it is somewhat off but good none the less.

As for Anonymous, linking anime pictures doesn't do this story justice.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that any rendition of the characters is up to the person who is reading it. I too have created my own drawings in the depiction of what I believe these alien life forms to look like. The drawing is good, I do believe it is somewhat off but good none the less.

As for Anonymous, linking anime pictures doesn't do this story justice.

Anonymous said...
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