Friday, February 1, 2008

Homelanding - Margaret Atwood

This story, especially at its description of caverns and prongs, had me laughing for the first page or two. At first, well until the end, I knew that I loved the story but I didn't exactly know how it would be classified as science fiction. But then when I realized that the woman (Shes a cavern, remember) is describing life on earth or maybe life as Canadians to an alien, it all came together.

Then I got thinking about how her description is so very accurate yet seems so odd! It's never occured to me that maybe the life that we take to be so ordinary and natural would be absolutely ridiculous and silly to someone or something from another planet.

I really enjoyed this story. It put life into perspective in a pretty humorous way and allowed for the realization that life as we know it may only be "normal" to us because it's all we know.


Anonymous said...

I loved this story too. It took me the first page and a half before I even realized that she was talking about humans - the whole time I was going "Seaweed-like hair? That sounds weird..." and then all of a sudden I was like "Oh... I get it!" Have you met me? My name is Luke and I'm a little slow...

Unknown said...

I'm glad you liked this one too, Holly...I remember thinking about how it was kind of reverse-sci-fi when I first read it, which I thought was brilliant. I think honestly, I was just glad I got it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, you guys. I'm a huge Chinese fan of science fiction. I read lots of stories but never touched margaret atwood. Through your descriptrion of "homelanding", I become very interested in it. So could you please send me a copy of this story? Thank you very much.